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How has ultrasonic cleaning benefitted you?

November 16, 2020


How has ultrasonic cleaning benefitted you?


“It really speeds up the decontamination process and our staff don’t have hand scrub equipment, so it removes a phase of the process and reduces the risk of needle injuries. The machine isn’t just doing the job of cleaning either, because it’s digital it keeps a really good record of the cleaning processes for clinical governance, auditing, and cross infection protocols.”


How does it compare to other cleaning methods you have used?


“We did plan originally to get a washer disinfector, but we didn’t think it was worthwhile investment compared to the ultrasonic cleaner. The quality is there, it meets all our needs and we have records to back that up. The reliability of the ultrasonic cleaner is great, I’ve worked in other places that have had issues with washer disinfectors and they take a lot of time, the ultrasonic cleaner is far more efficient.”


Would you recommend it to others in the industry?


“Oh yes I would definitely recommend, especially the particular unit we have. When it’s serviced it records the tests that we need which is a much better method than our staff taking the time to do the old fashioned method of foil tests, it’s just so efficient and reliable.”

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